Chapitre 2 : Le 2
le sous titre
By Mallory Dazza in Première Specialité
September 30, 2021
Le premier titre du chap 2
Other times, I have not used X (yet!). This happened to me recently when I was asked:
“Why aren’t people using reveal.js for slides with R Markdown? What are the problems with reveal.js, and how can we fix them?".
What is reveal.js? Here is a demo deck:
Air quality
with(airquality, boxplot(Temp ~ Month))
with(airquality, plot(Ozone ~ Temp))
mlev <- levels(with(airquality, as.factor(Month)))
with(airquality, plot(Ozone ~ Temp,
pch = as.numeric(mlev),
col = mlev))